{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) survey data for the State of Washington aggregated at the Census Tract level.", "description": "This dataset contains commute trip data for six biennial survey cycles of Washington State employees in the CTR program. Survey participants record one week of AM commute trip data. The data was aggregated by worksite, weighted by response rate, extrapolated to all employees at worksites, aggregated to Census Tracts, and joined to census tract geographic data, as delineated by the U.S. Census Bureau. Worksites participating in the CTR program have at least 100 full-time employees that report to work between 6-9 am. CTR worksites are located in the following counties: Clark, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish, Spokane, Thurston, or Yakima. For more information on the CTR program, visit: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/transit/ctr.", "summary": "Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) survey data for the State of Washington aggregated at the Census Tract level.", "title": "CTR Tracts", "tags": [ "Tract", "Commute Trip Reduction", "Washington", "CTR" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Washington State Department of Transportation", "licenseInfo": "The Washington State Department of Transportation shall not be liable for any activity involving this data with regard to lost profits or savings or any other consequential damages; or the fitness for use of the data for a particular purpose; or the installation of the data, its use, or the results obtained." }