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The update includes the following general assumptions and concepts:Aligns with Legislative direction provided in the 2021 Transportation Budget (ESHB 1160.SL) .Basis for WSDOT's 2021-23 Capital Improvement and Preservation Plan (CIPP) Budget Submittal.Provides Intent for Delivery.Includes over-programming the Roadway Preservation (P1) Program.How does the 2021 Project Delivery Plan help shape transportation in Washington?It meets the Federal Highway Administration's requirement for states to program four years of projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and includes all projects funded by the State Legislature. The plan is updated annually to ensure that budget changes on projects match up with enacted budgets.What are the benefits of the 2021 Project Delivery Plan?By identifying six years of projects, we have better coordination and planning between WSDOT and local governments.The plan prioritizes where project funds will be spent first; this allows us to use any extra savings or new revenue on projects that are ready to be built.In addition, WSDOT commits, or obligates, the federal funding for the Delivery Plan. This qualifies Washington to receive federal funds that are redistributed annually when other states do not obligate all their funds.", "copyrightText": "Capital Program Development and Management Division. 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