This data set depicts the county boundaries of the State of Washington. This data set was created by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources to meet that agency's need for land surveying, land title, and land management GIS data. It is part of the Washington State Cadastral Framework Data set. The Washington Cadastral Framework data represents an integrated set of geographic-referencing data covering the State of Washington. It is derived from Land Surveys, DNR Orthophotos, USGS 7-1/2 minute quadrangles, DNR Ownership Tract Book, and various public organizations. The initial data population includes Public Land Survey System information, state boundary, county boundaries, and Department of Natural Resource parcel information. |
This data set depicts the county boundaries of the State of Washington. This data set was created by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources to meet that agency's need for land surveying, land title, and land management GIS data. It is part of the Washington State Cadastral Framework Data set. The Washington Cadastral Framework data represents an integrated set of geographic-referencing data covering the State of Washington. It is derived from Land Surveys, DNR Orthophotos, USGS 7-1/2 minute quadrangles, DNR Ownership Tract Book, and various public organizations. The initial data population includes Public Land Survey System information, state boundary, county boundaries, and Department of Natural Resource parcel information. |
Washington State Department of Natural Resources. |
NaN |
[] |
Washington State county boundaries. |
Access to the Cadastral Framework web site and content or information contained within it is open to public users. Public users may use the data on this web site for personal or internal business purposes. Public users must use the data in a manner that protects the rights and benefits of other public users and the rights and benefits of the Washington Cadastral Framework partners who contribute and manage the data. No work product created by using data on this web site shall be labeled, assigned, transferred or sold as Washington Cadastral Framework data. No part or whole of the data, nor any variation, modification, or deviation of structure of the Washington Cadastral Framework data shall be labeled, assigned, or transferred as Washington Cadastral Framework data. To the extent permitted by law, public users are prohibited from redistributing, selling, leasing, transferring, or assigning the data on this web site in any form. The data retrieved from this web site may be used only in compliance with the Washington Cadastral Framework Partnership Agreement. |
Cadastral Framework of Washington State, County Boundaries |
["Washington State","jurisdiction","county","Washington","counties","county boundaries"] |
en-US |
NaN |