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Layer: Active Transportation Sandy Williams Equity Needs (ID: 7)

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Name: Active Transportation Sandy Williams Equity Needs

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Description: This analysis scores Census Block Groups in Washington based on their degree of equity and environmental justice need for the purpose of identifying and prioritizing investment locations for the Connecting Communities Pilot Program. Each Block Group receives a score based on several factors related to vulnerable populations and environmentally burdened communities, and these scores are added together to create the final score. See the accompanying methodology word document for a full list of factors. Original data sources are the U.S. Census 2016-2020 American Community Survey (ACS) and the Washington Environmental Health Disparities (EHD) Map.Individual scores are calculated for each measure, which then sum up to aggregate scores for vulnerable populations and overburdened communities as well as a combined final score. Block Group scores based on demographic measures from the ACS data are calculated relative to other Block Groups in similarly sized population centers or in tribal areas. If a Block Group’s value for a given demographic measure is at or above the 80th percentile within its population center size category, it is given 2 points for that factor. If its value is at or above the 60th percentile within its population center size category, it is given 1 point. All other Block Groups receive 0 points for that factor. Block groups that overlap with or touch multiple population centers that have different sizes are assigned the highest possible point value based on all overlapping population centers. For the health and environmental measures sourced from the EHD map, scores are applied based on the measure’s rank value. Block Groups with a rank of 9 or 10 are given 2 points, and Block Groups with a rank of 7 or 8 are given 1 point. This is applied statewide without any scaling within population center sizes, as is performed for the demographic metrics, to ensure that Block Groups with similar environmental or health burdens across the state are scored evenly. Here is a list of measures (included in attribute table), used to calculate the final score: 1. Population less than 18 years of age; 2. Population age 65 or older; 3. Housing cost-burdened households (spending over 30% of income on housing); 4. Black, Indigenous, People of color; 5. Households with 1 or more persons with a disability; 6. Ability to speak English – less than very well; 7. Household income below 200% of the federal poverty level; 8. Zero to one car households; 9. Unemployment; 10. Transportation expense (%) for moderate income families; 11. Limited access to healthy food; 12. Low birthweight (<2500 grams); 13. High rate of hospitalization, based on the maximum rank value from the following variables; (a) Death from cardiovascular disease, (b) Cancer deaths, (c) Lower life expectancy at birth, (d) Premature death; 14. Environmental exposures; 15. Environmental effects; 16. Diesel pollution burdenFinally, 1 additional point is given to Block Groups that fall within or touch a tribal area to give a slight priority to areas serving tribal populations. This score, along with the demographic measures from the ACS as well as the transportation expense, limited access to healthy food, low birthweight, and high rate of hospitalization measures from the EHD Map are summed together to create the total vulnerable population score. The three environmental measures from the EHD Map are summed together to create the total overburdened communities score. These two totals are summed to create the Block Group’s final score.

Copyright Text: Washington State Department of Transportation

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