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snippet: To aid in the prioritization of active transportation improvements in areas where people congregate and access destinations, and where travel distances between destinations align with typical distances travelled by users of pedestrian and bicycle modes.
summary: To aid in the prioritization of active transportation improvements in areas where people congregate and access destinations, and where travel distances between destinations align with typical distances travelled by users of pedestrian and bicycle modes.
accessInformation: Washington State Department of Transportation
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: The term ‘population center’ was defined in the 2021 WSDOT Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to include all city/town or census designated places in Washington State. The WSDOT Population Center dataset combines the WSDOT Incorporated City Limits dataset (May 2021) with the Office of Financial Management’s Census Designated Places (2020 Census) Dataset. Identification of Population Centers was undertaken in order to prioritize active transportation improvements in areas where people congregate and access destinations, and where travel distances between destinations align with typical distances travelled by users of pedestrian and bicycle modes. These areas are a priority because they serve the broadest range of users and potential users of the transportation system, including the very young, very old, and people with disabilities. In this dataset, each Population Center includes information for the “Place Name”, the “Place Type” (city/town or Census Designated Place), and whether or not the Population Center intersects a State Route (“yes” indicates that there is an intersection with a State Route, “no” indicates that there is no intersection.). The dataset will be updated as needed.Please direct questions about the Population Centers dataset to:
licenseInfo: The Washington State Department of Transportation shall not be liable for any activity involving this data with regard to lost profits or savings or any other consequential damages; or the fitness for use of the data for a particular purpose; or the installation of the data, its use, or the results obtained.
title: Population Centers - Active Transportation Divison
tags: ["planningCadastre","transportation","boundaries","WA","USA","2021"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 0