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Layer: Wildlife Barrier Fencing (ID: 1)

View In:   WSDOT ArcGIS Online map viewer

Name: Wildlife Barrier Fencing

Display Field: Name

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline

Description: Wildlife Barrier Fencing consists of lines that describe the characteristics of wildlife fences installed along state highways. Wildlife Barrier Fencing is part of habitat connectivity infrastructure that enables wildlife to safely cross highways or prevent wildlife-vehicle collisions. Wildlife fences are installed to prevent wildlife from crossing highways at grade and may also direct the movement of wildlife to structures, such as bridges and culverts, where highways can be crossed safely. The fence line segments in the dataset also have links to additional information such as pictures of the fence and construction plan sheets.

Copyright Text: Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports ValidateSQL: true

Supports Calculate: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: true

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field:

Fields: Templates:
Capabilities: Query,Extract

Sync Can Return Changes: false

Is Data Versioned: false

Supports Rollback On Failure: false

Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false

Supports ApplyEdits By Upload Id: true

Supports Query With Historic Moment: false

Supports Coordinates Quantization: true

Child Resources:   Field Groups   Contingent Values

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Validate SQL   Generate Renderer   Return Updates   Iteminfo   Thumbnail   Metadata   Update Metadata